Crafting full stack web apps using M.E.R.N stack
ReactNext.jsTypescriptTailwind CSSRustDockerSQLMongoDBNodeJSReduxSocket.ioPythonGITGO
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Kairos AI
🗿 Kairos is an advanced AI software engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective.
🚀 Motion a Notion-like app built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Convex, & Clerk! Publish your notes effortlessly.
🛠️ Minimal CPU implementation in SystemVerilog Aimed at learning how CPUs & GPUs work from the ground up!
🌴Leveraging Abstract Syntax Trees and 🤖 Language Models, this powerful tool propagates code changes seamlessly across your codebase
"A small BackPropagation engine along with a custom MLP network implemented by just using numpy